
Afrihost: From Startup to ISP Giant

Afrihost is a South African internet service provider (ISP) that has grown from a startup in 2000 to become a major player in the country’s ISP market. Founded by Gian Visser and Brendan Armstrong, the company began as a web hosting provider before expanding into internet services. Today, Afrihost offers a range of products and services, including ADSL, fibre, mobile data, web hosting, and domain registration.

In the early days, Afrihost faced stiff competition from established ISPs and struggled to gain market share. However, the company’s focus on providing high-quality, affordable internet services quickly earned it a loyal customer base. Afrihost also differentiated itself from competitors by offering exceptional customer service, which remains a core value of the company to this day.

Over the years, Afrihost has continued to innovate and expand its product offerings. In 2010, the company launched its own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) to provide mobile data services. In 2014, it introduced fixed LTE, a wireless broadband service that provides high-speed internet access without the need for a fixed-line connection. In 2016, Afrihost was acquired by Internet Solutions, a subsidiary of the Dimension Data Group, which further bolstered the company’s resources and capabilities.

Despite its growth and success, Afrihost has remained committed to its founding principles of affordability, quality, and customer service. The company’s “ClientZone” portal allows customers to manage their accounts and services online, and its support team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues or questions.

Today, Afrihost is one of the largest ISPs in South Africa, serving hundreds of thousands of customers across the country. The company’s success can be attributed to its focus on customer needs and its ability to adapt to changing technologies and market trends. As the demand for high-speed internet access continues to grow, Afrihost is well-positioned to remain a leader in the ISP industry for years to come.

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